Hey there!
Thank you for checking out my site! I think it’s important to own the data that the internet sees about oneself, so here is everything I like to share with others online!
Quick facts about me:
- Grew up in Germany and went to school in the United States and Germany!
- 2 Master’s Degrees in Mechanical Engineering & Management
- Have lived in different countries, among them Morocco, Spain, USA, Germany and others.
- Founded my first company Social Diving when I was still in University
- Active member of the voluntary fire brigade since 2013 in different cities
- Rescue diver & swimmer
- Paramedic
- 2 books released

When I’m not working on my music, with clients, or starting a new company you can often find me diving underwater. 🙂
- Music
- Diving
- Rugby
- Business & Entrepreneurship
My site is dedicated to a lot of what I do, but it’s music that keeps bringing me back.
Cheers Julius